Results for 'Mario Di Grigorio'

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  1.  34
    Noor Giovanni Mazhar, Catholic Attitudes to Evolution in Nineteenth-Century Italian Literature. Memorie di Scienze Morali, Lettere ed Arti, 60. Venice: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 1995. Pp. 284. ISBN 88-86166-24-9. 35,000 lire. [REVIEW]Mario Di Grigorio - 1998 - British Journal for the History of Science 31 (1):63-102.
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    Poder secular, espíritu laico y teorías emergentes de gobierno en la Edad Media: la relación fides-ratio examinada desde un punto de vista político.Mario Di Giacomo - 2012 - Caracas, Venezuela: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.
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    Michel Henry, lector de Meister Eckhart: Vínculo entre la mística especulativa y la fenomenología de la Vida.Z. Mario Di Giacomo - 2023 - Franciscanum 65 (180):1-62.
    En este artículo se revisa el lugar que ocupa Eckhart en L’essence de la manifestation, a fin de establecer correspondencias y afini­dades entre el místico renano y la peculiar concepción que de la fenomenología sostiene Michel Henry. Se trata de analizar la es­trecha cercanía entre el alma humana y Dios postulada por Meister Eckhart y su vinculación con la conocida noción de Vida presente en el autor francés. Henry es proclive a fundar una filosofía primera asociada a la pura autoafección, (...)
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    Las dos espadas de Dios: antecedentes teológicos del estado de excepción.Mario Di Giacomo - 2017 - Caracas: ABediciones.
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    Fabrizio Bònoli;, Daniela Piliarvu. I lettori di astronomia: Presso lo Studio di Bologna dal XII al XX secolo. 283 pp., illus., bibl., indexes. Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna, 2001. L 55,000, €28.41 .Pierluigi Battistini;, Fabrizio Bònoli;, Alessandro Braccesi;, Dino Buzzetti . Seventh Centenary of the Teaching of Astronomy in Bologna, 1297–1997. 212 pp., illus., CD. Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna, 2001. L 55,000, €28.41. [REVIEW]Mario Di Bono - 2004 - Isis 95 (3):469-470.
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    Christiane Groeben , Karl Ernst von Baer , Anton Dohrn : Correspondence. With an Introduction by Jane M. Oppenheimer. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 83. Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1993. Pp. v + 156. ISBN 0-87169-833-1. $15.00. [REVIEW]Mario Di Gregorio - 1995 - British Journal for the History of Science 28 (3):353-354.
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  7. Homenaje a Mario Hernández Sánchez-Barba.Mario Hernández Sánchez-Barba, Gómez Díez, Francisco Javier & Almudena Hernández Ruigómez (eds.) - 2019 - Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid): Editorial UFV, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
    v. 1. El tiempo histórico de Mario Hernández Sánchez-Barba -- v. 2. Generaciones y mentalidades. Estudios de teoría de la Historia.
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    Politica e sociologia in Luigi Sturzo.Mario D'Addio, Alberto Di Giovanni & Eugenio Guccione (eds.) - 1981 - Milano: Massimo.
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    Evolving dynamical networks: A formalism for describing complex systems.Thomas E. Gorochowski, Mario Di Bernardo & Claire S. Grierson - 2012 - Complexity 17 (3):18-25.
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    Individual Differences, Economic Stability, and Fear of Contagion as Risk Factors for PTSD Symptoms in the COVID-19 Emergency.Adolfo Di Crosta, Rocco Palumbo, Daniela Marchetti, Irene Ceccato, Pasquale La Malva, Roberta Maiella, Mario Cipi, Paolo Roma, Nicola Mammarella, Maria Cristina Verrocchio & Alberto Di Domenico - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  11.  55
    The Malaise of the Soul at Work: The Drive for Creativity, Self-Actualization, and Curiosity in Education.Mario Di Paolantonio - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (6):601-617.
    Franco “Bifo” Berardi tells us that the current transformation of every domain of social life into economy has led to “the subjugation of the soul to work processes.” There is a newfound love of work and, consequently, writes Berardi, “no desire, no vitality seems to exist anymore outside of the economic enterprise.” Concerned as it once was with “fostering the soul,” and concerned as it now is with preparing students for the job market, what role might education have in Berardi’s (...)
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  12.  54
    The Cruel Optimism of Education and Education's Implication with ‘Passing‐on’.Mario Di Paolantonio - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (2):147-159.
    In this article I draw on Lauren Berlant's notion of ‘cruel optimism’ to identify and untangle how the prevailing sense of ‘optimism’ in education works against our common hope or collective striving for what is educational in education. In particular, I discuss how the ‘cruel optimism’ that invites individuals to constantly innovate and improve themselves through ever more learning leads ultimately to a sense of ‘presentism’, ‘privation’ and ‘loneliness’, which comes to threaten the role that education plays in sustaining and (...)
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  13.  17
    L’adonné (el adonado) según Marion: el sujeto que se recibe de lo dado.Mario Di Giacomo - 2023 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 26 (51):25-53.
    En este artículo se analiza la noción de fenómeno saturado en el pensamiento de Marion, pero, ante todo, y relacionado con dicho fenómeno, el tipo de sujeto que corresponde a la afectación saturante. La discusión se centra en la superación de la figura del Yo trascendental, y de la Modernidad en general, para dar lugar a un sujeto disminuido, a una diminutio ipseitatis, debida fundamentalmente a una iniciativa que, alega Marion, no proviene tanto del sujeto afectado, cuanto del fenómeno que (...)
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  14.  98
    Wonder, Guarding Against Thoughtlessness in Education.Mario Di Paolantonio - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (3):213-228.
    Hannah Arendt has a particular notion of thinking that both is and is not philosophical. While not guided by the search for meta principles, nor concerned with establishing logical systems, her notion of thinking as the examination of “whatever happens to come to pass,” and its significance for saving our world from thoughtlessness, retains and is motivated by the fundamental pathos at the heart of philosophy—wonder. In this paper, I consider the limiting and enabling sense in which Arendt invokes “wonder” (...)
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  15. Ernemeutica e inflitrazione: Derrida interprete di Aristotele.di Mario Vergani - 2012 - In Franco Trabattoni & Mariapaola Bergomi (eds.), Ermeneutica e filosofia antica. Milano: Cisalpino, Instituto editoriale universitario.
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    Curating the forensic gaze in traumatic memorial sites: Recalibrating the sense of materiality in Santiago's Londres-38.Mario Di Paolantonio - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (3):516-533.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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  17. Ancient creationism according to David Sedley.di Mario Vegetti - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 67 (3):537-542.
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  18. Statualità del diritto e diritto naturale.Mario di Dario - 1938 - Napoli,: Studio di propaganda editoriale.
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  19. Roger Simon as a Thinker of the Remnants: An Overview of a Way of Thinking the Present, Our Present….Mario Di Paolantonio - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (3):263-277.
    Whereas there are many aspects of Roger Simon’s thought that can be privileged, one of the most compelling points of entry for beginning to consider his legacy in the field of education, and beyond, lies with his concern for the difficult work of receiving and transmitting, of giving countenance to, the traces of those now absent. Indeed, in the last 20 years of his scholarly work, Simon pressed us to consider the pedagogical stakes in forging an ethical living relation with (...)
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  20. Descartes e la cultura matematica.Mario di Loreto - 1993 - Rivista di Filosofia 84 (1):149-156.
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  21. Marsilio de Padua y las teorías emergentes de gobierno.Mario Di Giacomo - 2012 - Apuntes Filosóficos 21 (40).
    Este trabajo explora la concepción de Marsilio de Padua sobre el poder dentro de una teoría ascendente de gobierno. Siguiendo la línea de la crítica medieval a la plenitudopotestatis , él propone, desde una orientación populista de su doctrina, una organización sociopolítica cuyo fundamento es la voluntas populi y la ley que de allí emana. Es así como en su obra El defensor de la paz puede encontrarse una sorprendente visión republicana de la política, donde la esfera religiosa queda absorbida (...)
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  22. Il razionalismo critico.di Mario Dal Pra - 1985 - In Adriano Bausola (ed.), La Filosofia italiana dal dopoguerra a oggi. Roma: Laterza.
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    Catherine Jarrott : In memoriam.Mario Di Cesare - 1986 - Moreana 23 (Number 91-23 (3-4):97-98.
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    Guarding and Transmitting the Vulnerability of the Historical Referent.Mario Di Paolantonio - 2009 - Philosophy of Education 65:129-137.
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    Remembering, Forgetting, and Learning Amidst a Time of Extraordinary Rendition: The Guantánamo Camp as a Museum of Forgetting.Mario Di Paolantonio - 2016 - Philosophy of Education 72:51-59.
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    Dialettica e libertà.Lanfranco Di Mario - 2005 - [Rome]: Fondazione Ignazio Silone.
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  27. Michel Foucault and Power Today: International Multidisciplinary Studies in the History of the Present.Mario Colucci, Pierangelo Di Vittorio, David Gabbard, Monique Lanoix, Christian Lavagno, Thomas Lemke, Dario Melossi, Warren Montag, Tracey Nicholls & Frank Pearce (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    Few thinkers have left such an influence across such a diverse range of studies as Michel Foucault has. This book pays homage to that diversity by presenting a multidisciplinary series of analyses dedicated to the question of power today.
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  28. Le leggi tra le note.di Mario Brunello - 2016 - In Mario Brunello & Gustavo Zagrebelsky (eds.), Interpretare: dialogo tra un musicista e un giurista. Bologna: Il mulino.
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  29. El poder comunicativo en Arendt y en Habermas.Mario Di Giácomo - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 69 (3):52-73.
    Este trabajo aborda la visión arendtiana de la política, entendida como mundo humano común y mantenido en común a través del discurso. La sociedad como lenguaje se aparta de la peligrosa posibilidad de la unicidad discursiva en la vida política. La abolición de la pluralidad se encuentra en las antípodas del pensamiento de Arendt. Su telos es, más bien, contra toda figura totalitaria, la reivindicación de una política ceñida a la esencial relatividad de la doxa. El �nosotros� de la política (...)
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    L'armonia impossibile: Alle origini del concetto di valore: Metafisica, logica e scienze della natura in R. H. Lotze dal 1838 al 1843. Beatrice Centi. [REVIEW]Mario Di Gregorio - 1996 - Isis 87 (4):742-743.
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    Discorso storico della mia vita naturale e civile dal 1745 al 1825. Pietro Ferroni, Danilo Barsanti.Mario Di Gregorio - 1996 - Isis 87 (3):554-555.
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    El éxtasis tecnocrático de la sociedad posthumana.Mario Di Giacomo - 2024 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 27 (54):187-219.
    En este artículo se analizan críticamente tanto la postura teórica de Rosi Braidotti en su libro Lo posthumano, como el texto de Peter Sloterdijk, “El hombre operable”, desde dos perspectivas. Una de ellas es propiamente filosófica, que toma en cuenta, discutiéndolos, el concepto de “inmanencia vitalista” de Braidotti y la concepción homeotecnológica que Sloterdijk contrapone a las viejas tecnologías bajo la rúbrica de alotecnología. La reflexión también mantiene una deriva teológica en el sentido de comprender lo que significa para el (...)
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  33. Maimónides y Tomás: El triunfo de la negación.Mario Di Giacomo - 2009 - Apuntes Filosóficos 18 (35):109-128.
    En este artículo se exploran las relaciones entre finito-infinito y los límites del lenguaje posible, del lenguaje finito, para hablar de su callado fundamento. En este sentido, el mismo vaciamiento del lenguaje, expresión de una imposibilidad a la cual empero no se hurta, la de hablar de Dios, conduce a ponderar la importancia que tiene la teología negativa en el sentido de permitir al mundo humano barruntar las dimensiones del misterio que lo funda. Se tocan, de esta manera, las concepciones (...)
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    Pedagogical law and abject rage in post‐trauma society.Mario Di Paolantonio - 2001 - Cultural Values 5 (4):445-476.
    This article explores the ethical consequences of the seemingly benign suggestion that the retelling of an event of state sponsored violence through the protocols of the law can provide a lesson/forum for fostering “discursive solidarity.” Focusing on the example of post‐dictatorship Argentina, the apparent pedagogical soundness of transmitting the traumatic event through legal commemoration will be complicated by considering how the law is employed as a mechanism for bracketing divisive memories and affects that interrupt the coherence of the national imaginary. (...)
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    Gloria de la pasividad: autorrevelación de lo invisible según Michel Henry.Mario Di Giacomo - 2021 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 24 (47):63-90.
    Este trabajo, desarrollado en el contexto del giro teológico de la fenomenología francesa, reflexiona sobre la significación de la Vida en Michel Henry, Vida y pasividad que no resultan de la volición de un sujeto moderno que parecería haber sido hoy superado. Estamos en los umbrales de una filosofía primera que no deja absolutamente de lado la intencionalidad de otrora, así como su carácter activo en la donación de significado, pero subordina ambos a un fundamento primero, único e irreductible: la (...)
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  36. Universidad, filosofía y doble verdad en el siglo XIII.Mario Di Giacomo - 2013 - Apuntes Filosóficos 22 (42).
    En este trabajo se analiza la doctrina de la doble verdad del siglo XIII, atribuida al maestro de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de París, Sigerio de Brabante. Sin embargo, no nos detendremos a determinar si ese maestro es el autor auténtico de la duplex veritas;más bien, nuestra interpretación se centra en la importancia de tal doctrina como origen, inicio, de un complejo proceso secularizador que concluirá separando la fe de la razón, la teología de la filosofía y, (...)
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    Juxtapositional Pedagogy and Tending to Loss in James Baldwin's and Raoul Peck's I Am Not Your Negro.Mario Di Paolantonio & Lara Okihiro - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:210-222.
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    Reflections of a Nonpolitical Naturalist: Ernst Haeckel, Wilhelm Bleek, Friedrich Müller and the Meaning of Language.Mario A. di Gregorio - 2002 - Journal of the History of Biology 35 (1):79-109.
    Ernst Haeckel was convinced that the origin of language was the keyto understand human evolution. The distinguished slavist AugustSchleicher was his original inspiration on that matter but hiscousin Wilhelm Bleek was the deciisive source for his views of human language. Bleek lived in Southern Africa, studied Xhosa andZulu, and had the rare opportunity to learn the bushman languagewhich, with its characteristic clicks, suggested the form of theoriginal human language in its evolution from ape-like sounds.Haeckel's view of anthropology based on cultural (...)
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  39.  26
    David N. Stamos. Darwin and the Nature of Species. xix + 273 pp., bibl., index. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2007. $28.95. [REVIEW]Mario A. Di Gregorio - 2008 - Isis 99 (1):210-211.
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    Giuliano Pancaldi, Darwin in Italy: Science across Cultural Frontiers, updated and expanded edition, translated by Ruey Brodine Morelli, Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1991. Pp. xv + 222. ISBN 0-253-34287-2. £22.50. [REVIEW]Mario Di Gregorio - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Science 26 (1):108-110.
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  41. Conjunto de visiones sobre la post modernidad: ciclo de conferencias.Fernando Huanacuni, Pierre Díaz Pomar, Mario Yapu & Pablo Barriga Dávalos (eds.) - 2012 - [Bolivia]: Casa de la Libertad.
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    A wolf in sheep's clothing: Carl Gegenbaur, Ernst Haeckel, the vertebral theory of the skull, and the survival of Richard Owen. [REVIEW]Mario A. Di Gregorio - 1995 - Journal of the History of Biology 28 (2):247-280.
  43. Scritti di Mario Calderoni.Mario Calderoni - 1924 - Firenze,: Società anon. editrice "La Voce". Edited by Odoardo Campa.
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    Antonello La Vergata, Nonostante Malthus, Fecondità popolazioni e armonia della natura, 1700–1900. Turin: Bollati Boringhieri 1991. Pp. 312. ISBN 88-339-0563-3. L. 40,000. [REVIEW]Mario Di Gregorio - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Science 26 (1):98-99.
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    Mindfulness, Age and Gender as Protective Factors Against Psychological Distress During COVID-19 Pandemic.Ciro Conversano, Mariagrazia Di Giuseppe, Mario Miccoli, Rebecca Ciacchini, Angelo Gemignani & Graziella Orrù - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:562965.
    Objective: Mindfulness disposition is associated with various psychological factors and prevent emotional distress in chronic diseases. In the present study, we analyzed the key role of mindfulness dispositions in protecting the individual against psychological distress consequent to COVID-19 social distancing and quarantining. Methods: An online survey was launched on March 13, 2020, with 6,412 responses by April 6, 2020. Socio-demographic information, exposure to the pandemic, and quarantining were assessed together with psychological distress and mindfulness disposition. Multivariate linear regression analysis was (...)
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  46.  29
    The Ethical Force and Hermeneutical Impasses in Our Being with Each Other in Education Today: David Hansen’s Reimagining the Call to Teach: A Witness to Teachers and Teaching.Mario Di Paolantonio - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (1):101-107.
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    The Masking of the Truth.Mario Di Loreto - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 7:3-17.
    It would seem that the difficulty in attempting to bring together ideas based on centuries-old academic disciplines with the more modern ones, which originate directly from business schools and the world of finance and economy, could explain why few, if any, real attempts have been made, over the last decade or so, to discover possible parallelisms between management and philosophy. However, through the thorough study of certain subjects, and the “history of ideas”, such parallelisms, and the so-called “masked philosophy” which (...)
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    Mind and Causality a cura di Alberto Peruzzi.Mario De Caro, Massimo Marraffa & Michele Di Francesco - 2005 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (3):623-638.
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  49. Dall'era cartesiana a Brucker.di Francesco Bottin, Mario Longo & Gregorio Piaia - 1981 - In Giovanni Santinello (ed.), Storia delle storie generali della filosofia. Brescia: La Scuola.
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  50. Prefazione ; Introduzione con allegate le Theses ex universa philosophia selectae, Saumer 1667 ; Notizia sui manoscritti e criteri di edizione / Mario Sina e Marco Ballardin. Syntagma logicum / Jean-Robert Chouet ; a cura di Mario Sina e Marco Ballardin. Breuis introductio ad metaphysicam.Jean-Robert Chouet & A. Cura di Mario Sina - 2010 - In Corsi di filosofia. Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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